For any of this to make sense, this post explains the genesis of this fanciful exercise I am about to embark on.
For the purpose of collecting data for this project, it is more expedient to structure this review by player, rather than by episode. Hence, I will review each player across three episodes. In future weeks, I hope I will be able to do one review for each episode, and not have reviews that span several episodes. (Hmmmm ... wonder it the job would allow for such non-value-adding intellectual excursions.)
ST: Screen Time ; Im: Impression Left ; Lk: Likeability
Wanda (booted Ep 1)
Episode 1:
ST: 3 (she sung at least one too many times!)
Im: 5 (first booted off, and I still remember her, enough said)
Lk: 1 (seems harmless enough, but the singing!)
Jonathan (booted Ep 1)
Episode 1:
ST: 2
Im: 2 (remember his obvious disappointment, which he did not even try to hide)
Lk: NA
Jolanda - Ulong (booted Ep 1)
Episode 1:
ST: 4 (very prominent in challenges, interviews, at tribal council and just being bossy around camp)
Im: 4 (all that aggro can hardly be unmemorable)
Lk: 1 (the bossiness was a bit too much to take, not surprised they voted her off)
Ashlee - Ulong (booted Ep 2)
Episode 1:
ST: 0
Im: 0 (Ashlee WHO?)
Lk: NA
Episode 2:
ST: 2 (the whole not eating episode)
Im: 2 (a rather dull departure but people were talking about her, which helped this score)
Lk: 3 (seems nice enough)
Jeff - Ulong (booted Ep 3)
Episode 1:
ST: 0
Im: 0
Lk: NA
Episode 2:
ST: 3 (interviewed quite extensively, including gloating about Koror losing their flint)
Im: 3 (strong ass-hole vibe, which IS memorable, if unfortunate)
Lk: 1 (don't care for the glee over Koror's loss of the flint, nor for the whole story about cuddling with Kim for "warmth")
Episode 3:
ST: 3 (spraining his ankle, then asking to be booted)
Im: 3 (
Lk: 1 (complained about Jeff Probst asking him about Kim, then talked rather insincerely about wanting to give his all for the team. Not redeemed in my eyes.)
Ibrehem - Ulong
Episode 1:
ST: 1
Im: 1
Lk: NA
Episode 2:
ST: 0
Im: 0
Lk: NA
Episode 3:
ST: 2 (talked a bit to the camera, although not very eruditely. Claimed not to know what to do with the sewing kit)
Im: 1 (still not registering much, although he did walk in front during the IC, gaining some points)
Lk: NA
Bobby John - Ulong
Episode 1:
ST: 1
Im: 1 (wanted to keep Jolanda, and kick of Angie)
Lk: NA
Episode 2:
ST: 2 (talked about underestimating Angie)
Im: 2 (the display of rage during the Reward Challenge was scary)
Lk: NA
Episode 3:
ST: 3 (interviewed extensively about Kim and shown working hard at camp and during IC)
Im: 3 (established as the hard worker of the tribe, de facto leader, perhaps)
Lk: 3 (favourable impression this week)
James - Ulong
Episode 1:
ST: 1
Im: 1 (the accent!!)
Lk: NA
Episode 2:
ST: 2 (interviewed about Jolanda and Ashlee/Kim)
Im: 2 (glee at Jolanda being voted off, talking about America being a democracy)
Lk: 1 (not liking him much)
Episode 3:
ST: 1
Im: 1 (not prominent, but points for calling Kim and Jeff on the "no alliance" and "cuddling for warmth" bullshit)
Lk: 1 (not sure why, but he gives off an obnoxous vibe. Could be wrong about him, we'll see)
Kim - Ulong
Episode 1:
ST: 0
Im: 0
Lk: NA
Episode 2:
ST: 3 (the cuddling nonsense plus being on the chopping block)
Im: 3 (for the cuddling nonsense and asking to be told if voted for)
Lk: 1
Episode 3:
ST: 3 (basically shownbitching about Jeff Probst, lying around, being lazy, and telling us how Bobby John works too hard)
Im: 3 (on the brink of being voted off, being shown to be less useful than the injured Jeff)
Lk: 1 (I can't believe she survived the chop yet again despite being the latest in the chain of sun-tanning, lazy-boned Survivor model wannabes)
Stephenie - Ulong
Episode 1:
ST: 2 (jumping in and swimming for the flag, only to get left behind)
Im: 2 (engineered Jolanda's departure)
Lk: 1 (seemed overly aggressive)
Episode 2:
ST: 2 (featured prominently at the IC)
Im: 3 (physically strong, mentally determined)
Lk: 2 (give her props for gutsiness)
Episode 3:
ST: 3 (strong performance in both challenges, even Jeff Probst seems impressed)
Im: 4 (only woman left standing during the IC, did well in the RC too)
Lk: 2.5 (like her great attitude, but may be overly competitive)
Angie - Ulong
Episode 1:
ST: 4 (the whole deal about being different and feeling left out)
Im: 4 (well, the tattoos alone are enough!)
Lk: 1 (whiny and victimised)
Episode 2:
ST: 4 (highlighted during the RC, interviewed to camera and at TC)
Im: 4 (doing well at RC and being so happy and relieved afterwards)
Lk: 2
Episode 3:
ST: 2 (did well at the RC again)
Im: 3 (being really aggressive during the RC, pushing and showing Janu and Gregg from Koror)
Lk: 2 (she's not as whiny now but I sensed an ugly aggressive side to her during the reward challenge; not only when she was shoving and dunking Janu and Gregg, but when she was cheering at the sidelines.)
Caryn - Koror
Episode 1:
ST: 2 (organising the division of work at camnp before the tribal allocations)
Im: 2 (I remember her being the one Coby chose above Angie. She also stood out for being older)
Lk: 3 (based on this one episode, seems quite likeable, capable and reasonable)
Episode 2:
ST: 3 (complaining about the new camp, confronting Tom)
Im: 2
Lk: 2 (not fond of the nagging types, especially if they don't seem to contribute much)
Episode 3:
ST: 3 (confrontation with Katie)
Im: 3 (not sure what she was worked up about with Angie, but it did leave an impression)
Lk: 1.5 (appears unhappy and grumpy)
Coby - Koror
Episode 1:
ST: 4 (interviewed extensively for his opinion of many things)
Im: 4 (tried to engineer Jonathan's boot, telling Angie he was glad not to be the weirdest one there)
Lk: 2 (bitchy and trying to be a mastermind way too early, but entertaining)
Episode 2:
ST: 1 (mainly seen in challenges)
Im: 2 (for the hilarious scene during the RCx when he took time to "centre himself" and promptly fell off.
Lk: 2
Episode 3:
ST: 2 (talking about not being able to vote off people because they keep winning Immunity, and getting irritated with tribemates, although not mentioning who)
Im: 1 (strangely relegated to the background after being all over our screens in Ep 1)
Lk: 2
Gregg - Koror
Episode 1:
ST: 2 (a couple of interviews)
Im: 1 (interviews were not particularly interesting)
Lk: NA
Episode 2:
ST: 1 (shown as one of the canoe rowers during the flint retrieval exercise)
Im: 1
Lk: NA
Episode 3:
ST: 2 (being part of the snake killing exercise, then doing well in the IC)
Im: 2 (strong guy, seems to be enjoying the experience, and fairly undramatic so far)
Lk: 3 (seems an okay, "chill out" type of guy, enough to get some likeability points)
Ian - Koror
Episode 1:
ST: 3 (winning the first immunity necklace, interviewed about the new tribes)
Im: 3 (the geek identity helps him to really stand out amongst the usual gym-hardened pretty boys)
Lk: 3 (liking his whole capable geek vibe)
Episode 2:
ST: 4 (diving to retrieve the flint, talking about his happiness at the success of that endeavour)
Im: 4
Lk: 4 (really liking him now)
Episode 3:
ST: 4 (the snake hunting and shark catching, a good show at RC)
Im: 3 (mainly for saying "Sorry, Buddy" as he killed the snake and seeming to really enjoy the adventure of shark hunting)
Lk: 4 (appears to be genuinely good natured)
Janu - Koror
Episode 1:
ST: 3 (climbing the tree to tie the rope)
Im: 3
Lk: 3 (like the attitude she's shown so far)
Episode 2:
ST: 2 (screaming at the rats, working hard during the RC despite exhaustion, contributing to the flint retrieval exercise)
Im: 2
Lk: 3
Episode 3:
ST: 2 (her encounter with Angie during the RC)
Im: 1
Lk: 3 (still liking her)
Jenn - Koror
Episode 1:
ST: 0
Im: 0
Lk: NA
Episode 2:
ST: 1 (helping during the flint retrieval)
Im: 0 (they still have not shown her talking AT ALL)
Lk: NA
Episode 3:
ST: 1 (confronting Stephenie during RC, chopping up snake for bait)
Im: 1 (still not enough screen time, but she looks a lot like Cameron Diaz, so I rememeber something about her!)
Lk: NA (producers need to give the viewers more to work with)
Katie - Koror
Episode 1:
ST: 0
Im: 0
Lk: NA
Episode 2:
ST: 2 (interviewed saying that Caryn should just stop complaining about the new camp, shown struggling at RC)
Im: 1
Lk: 2 (made a lot of sense during her one interview)
Episode 3:
ST: 3 (confrontation with Caryn, a couple of interviews)
Im: 2 (hilarious mimicking of Ian's reactions during the snake killing)
Lk: 2.5 (appears to have a sense of humour)
Tom - Koror
Episode 1:
ST: 2 (very smartly not wanting to build the fire without flint, taking a leadership role at Koror)
Im: 3 (the very strong, capable fireman)
Lk: 3 (I tend to like the older, wiser types)
Episode 2:
ST: 4 (prominent at IC, no dramas during Caryn's complaint session about the decision to move to the new beach)
Im: 4 (dominated the IC spectacularly)
Lk: 3.5 (very impressed by the physical capability and the apparent lack of power-tripping)
Episode 3:
ST: 4 (snake and shark hunting, then strategising and carrying all those bags during IC)
Im: 5 (a great IC performance, even Bobby John mentioned it at TC)
Lk: 4
Willard - Koror
Episode 1:
ST: 2 (interviewed about Wanda's singing, was last man picked over stronger young man, Jonathan)
Im: 3 (the oldest player is always memorable just for that reason)
Lk: 2 (appears to be likeable enough)
Episode 2:
ST: 1 (shown struggling during the IC, but game)
Im: 2 (being remembered for struggling during challenges is not a good thing!)
Lk: 2
Episode 3:
ST: 0
Im: 0
Lk: 2
Phew, there you have it. I am going to be really glad when we get to a more manageable number of players. From the above, it's obvious that many players are not getting much air time at all. When you start with 20 people, that happens. After 3 weeks, it's down to 15. For earlier seasons, 16 is the number that they started with!
Some thoughts on the first three episodes:
Ep 1: A good start, interesting (if cruel) twist to the way tribes are picked. Letting them all be together on the same beach for some time is also an interesting development. When it comes time to merge, this prior interaction may have some effect if tentative alliances were formed. I thought the Immunity Challenge was very well done - the trade-off between taking items or having speed was a very nice touch.
Ep 2: Back to Survivor in its usual format: Camp politics, RC, Celebrating RC, More Camp Developments, IC, Post IC machinations, TC. It's a good formula if you have a good cast and the cast this time is miles above the Vanuatu group. With the flint retrieval exercise, they even had the chance to do a rather heart-warming segment on losing RC but winning the day. I also thought both the Reward and Immunity challenges were excellently designed, requiring not only physical strength and agility, but also team work and some brains.
Ep 3: Another really good episode. The two challenges were again really well designed. After a couple of seasons of recycled challenges, the production team has rediscovered their originality. I really liked the Immunity Challenge with the teams walking around trying to catch up to each other. It doesn't seem to be good TV in that there is no action at all, just people walking around in circles carrying heavy bags. The editors, however, did a really good job cutting the scenes, so that you could tell how gruelling it was on the players, making you admire the remaining players on both teams even more.
It's early days yet, but Survivor appears to have shaken off the ailments of boredom and staleness that plagued both All-Stars and Vanuatu. I am glad for that, as quality reality TV does deserve to be respected. Since American Idol is turning out to be rather uninspiring so far, it's important that at least one of the big gun shows justifies the validity of the genre.
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