If I was an American, I would have voted....
I describe myself in my profile as a bleeding heart liberal. That has alwas been more about my stance on social issues, and less and expression of my political idealogy or my position on economic issues.
How accurate is this quiz?
I was an economics major and for a long time, imagined myself to be a conservative, Neo-classical type. Free market, minimum intervention, globalization, liberalization - capitalism all the way! Well, to make a long story short, I started noticing the effects of rampant capitalism, the erosion of resources and the disregard for sustainability. Yes, I advocate Corporate Social Responsibility (don't get me started on that!). I hope that one day, our mantra would not be "being responsible while being profitable" but rather "being responsible to be profitable". I do believe in free trade and am not nearly as critical of globalisation as I could be. I am not quite an economic socialist, but definitely no longer a neo-classicist. Mine eyes have seen the error of my pro-capitalism ways. 25% seems about right.
I believe I am socially quite liberal but admit readily that I can roll my eyes at contemporary social mores. I embrace the theoretical concept of social liberalism whole-heartedly. Everyone on equal footing, everyone has the right to do anything that doesn't break the law, nobody judges others for what they believe and what they do. At the same time, and perhaps hypocritically, I think there are boundaries to be drawn in the real world. Behaviours have spill-over consequences, not all of which are desirable.
Take feminism, for example. I am female and naturally believe in equal opportunities and the right of women to fight for affirmative action to redress the gender imbalance. But I do believe that feminism can cross the line into reverse sexism. We do not need to deny historical patriarchism and invent the Sacred Feminine to validate our worth. The past is what it was - it was sexist and anti-feminist. We also now do not need to objectify men as an expression of our liberalisation. We should not even be feminine-centric and inadvertently or otherwise, discount the contribution of men.
And then there is porn. My brand of feminism doesn't quite extend to glorifying porn as a form of sexual liberation for women. I see the appeal in the argument, but I am still disinclined to regard a career in porn as an expression of freedom and the assertion of a woman's right to do whatever she wants with her body. I don't condemn adult porn; I personally don't condone it, but wherever it's legal, it's a legitimate way to make a living. But porn is not pro-feminist and I wish it wasn't upheld as such.
And then there is religion. People should have the right to believe or not believe whatever they want. No forcing of faith down anyone's throats. But it cuts the other way too - no forcing of atheism down throats either. Just as right-wing religious bigotry is indefensible and stupid, so is extreme left-wing religion bashing, which is usually done in a arrogant and snotty manner. My sympathies are left-leaning, but some of the rabid left-wingers make life pretty hard for the rest of us.
Above all, I believe in secularism of public spaces. And yet, while it would solve many conflicts, I do not wish for the abolishment of all faiths (John Lennon posits that with "No religion", we could "imagine all the people, living life in peace). Religion has its place in our world, whatever my personal skepticism might be. I also do not think it is such a bad thing for atheists and agnostics to study the teachings of comparative religions.
Liberalism within limits, if you will.
So, 65% seems about right.
You are a Social Liberal (65% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (25% permissive) You are best described as a:
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