Ascending Chaos

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Early to bed, early to rise

Went to bed at around 5.00 am yesterday morning and was up before 8.00 am. Technically, this qualifies as "Early to Bed, Early to Rise". Those wise people from days of yore and their pithy phrases that apply even to our modern sleeping habits!

Took a couple of online tests earlier at blogthings to recover from the hectic whirl of morning activities. What age do I act? 27, according to the sage Internet engine. I can live with that, it's close enough to my current age (oh, note the coyness in not revealing what this might be!). The second test tells me I have Linguistic Intelligence; which is not unexpected. Hmmm, how would this have tested on Albert Einstein or Newton? Might be worthwhile to manipulate my answers and see the outcome.

Some earlier test I took at told me that "if you were a dog, you would be a Bernese Mountain dog". To synthesise, I am a 27-year-old Bernese Mountain dog with a thirst for expanding my vocabulary!
